Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Can Take a Hint

Theme Song: I Will Survive

"I don't love you and I'm not attracted to you."

That's when I knew the relationship was over. How did I know? Because I can take a hint.

Maybe you'd think hearing something that starkly cruel hurt my feelings. Well, you'd be right.


There's nothing like getting dumped, hard, on your a**, to launch a few months of pain and desperation. But as I was moping down Fillmore Street, the thought came to me: what is pain without poetry?

And so I decided to celebrate by starting a new blog, this time on Blogspot. I'm trying something new. I'm moving on. I'm being brave. I'm staying active.

I've heard this kind of thing before and now I know it's true. I can cry all I want to, but I have to remember:

She doesn't love me and she's not attracted to me.

Those words will help when I'm tempted to call. Those words will help when I miss her and wish, for increasingly unclear reasons, I could have her back.

Well, I can't. And here's why:

She doesn't love me and she's not attracted to me.

Where You Come In

Because getting dumped is extremely painful, I decided I wouldn't go it alone. You're here, and I'm going to use you.

You will provide moral support and a friendly ear. You will agree with me when I say she's the meanest person alive and I will never speak to her again. You will also be honest with me, *but* only when I specifically ask you to be. Otherwise, it's your job to constantly agree with me that I did nothing wrong and I didn't deserve this and she's probably suffering at least as much as I am. If not way, way more.

So, thank you. I appreciate your help getting through this critical time.

Oh, and by the way: I'll be publishing stuff about the breakup on Tuesdays and stuff about single parenting on Thursdays. That way, you won't get bored. And feel free to leave a comment, especially a positive one that says I didn't deserve this, I did nothing wrong and she's probably suffering at least as much as I am. If not way, way more.


  1. I don't know you (just a friend of a friend) but think your post rocks! You are fabulous.

  2. Thank you! I think you're fabulous for thinking I'm fabulous. Please share the blog with anyone who has experienced heartbreak or who is doing the single mom thing. We can all be fabulous together!

  3. Tu n'imagines pas tout ce que je pourrai dire. Mais je ne dis que : elle souffre sans doute autant - voire plus - que toi ! Loads of kisses. jagayhere.


I'm leaving this blog open for all comments, but I prefer comments that aren't anonymous. Don't be shy! Tell us who you are. . .