Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Geek Love: It's Mutual

Theme song: Let's Go!

I swear I was not looking for love.

In fact, quite the opposite! Running a business as a single mom is not for sissies and this is one middle aged lady who needs her sleep!

Not only that, but after the last two relationships, I had satisfied myself that I was a Relationship Retard. Not exactly PC, but true.


Allow me to introduce the lovely Miss Molasses.

She is more proof that life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.

Like her name, Miss Molasses is slow, sweet, juicy and full-flavored (by this I mean she has a lot of character).

I was tempted to say that her molasses-like qualities are not why I fell in love with her, but, in fact, they are.

It is time I love someone sweet who can also love sweetly.

A very gentle, upright soul is our Miss Laura (you didn't really think I would date someone named Molasses, did you? Well, okay, I might. I mean, you never know where love will find you!).

From Relationship Retard to Geek Love

So I made the switch from Relationship Retard to Geek Love.

The main difference is that Geek Love is mutual. And, people, it's a big, fat difference!

Geeks, as you know, are people who are not afraid to go against the grain.

In a cynical world, a Geek can be innocently passionate. A Geek can afford to be sincere. A Geek can give it her all.

And Geeks are not afraid of failure. Nope. They just get back up, dust themselves off and keep going.

Here's the thing. Love is like this:

One time, pregnant in Hawaii, I went snorkeling. The tour leaders decided, at the end of the outing, to drop us off at the edge of the coral reef so we could swim over if we wanted. Those who know me know I am not a strong swimmer. So, the first wave comes and I am swept over the edge, staring into the deepest, darkest most infinite blue I have ever seen.

Boy! It was scary. And beautiful. And mysterious.

And I could not control it -- so I took my pregnant body and paddled like h*** in the opposite direction and flopped myself back on that boat as fast as I could (Yes! Do try to visualize the crazy pregnant lady in snorkeling gear trying to get out of the ocean and into a boat! Yes, the laugh is on me!).

That is how love is. It leaves you vulnerable, you cannot control and it, and it is one of life's greatest mysteries. When will it come? Will it be true? Can you be togetherfree or will you be, yet again, a codependent mess? I don't know, of course. But I think it is important, always, to err on the side of love.

Why? Because it is the everflowing forward creative motion that binds everything together. Because it is an endlessly renewable resource. Because there is enough for everyone.

Like the infinite blue of the water along the coral reef, it is so very beautiful.

If we can, we surrender. We let go. We dive in. We let it wash over us and we tumble in joyful celebration.

And, dare I say it? Silkiest. Thighs. Ever.

So, baby, let's go!

Your Turn

What can you tell us about love?


  1. Oh my! Well, Nat says it best, as he so often can...


    1. Geeks trying to show their love via the internet!
      Turns out you can't embed YouTube videos in the comments. Not fair!

    2. The refrain is the main thing. The verses? Not so much!

      Whatever it's called, by whom, I like it!

      Many, many hearts,

  2. Squee. So glad you finally found the right key to unlock real love. And speaking as someone who has been in Geek Love for, what, 25 years????.....it's not always easy but then, nothing is...you just hold onto that mutual affection and get through it.

    1. You are so cute! And I love the advice. Geeks united for love!


I'm leaving this blog open for all comments, but I prefer comments that aren't anonymous. Don't be shy! Tell us who you are. . .