Theme song: Quiet Nights
Friends, it's about time for me to journey from outer space to that infinite space within.
After all, what is a yoga aspirant but a psychonaut -- one who travels within to find the true Self?
For all those who have been listening, I believe I mentioned that I'm going on retreat. And it's not just any retreat -- it's a Vipassana Retreat.
Some have called it Spiritual Bootcamp. Not having been to Bootcamp, I can't say for sure. But it sounds about right.
Here's the daily program:
- Rise at 4 a.m.
- Meditate
- Meditate
- Eat
- Meditate
- Meditate
- Meditate
- Rest
- Meditate
- Meditate
- Eat
- Rest
- Meditate
- Meditate
- Rest
- Meditate
- Lights out
In case you didn't notice, that's two, not three, meals per day.
If it doesn't sound like much that's because it's not.
Here's what happens in the House of No:
- No talking
- No reading
- No writing
- No eye contact
- No electronic devices
- No intoxicants
- No touching
- No praying
- No yoga
- No Christmas
- No New Years Celebration
- No workouts
- No car keys and
- No complaining -- at least not out loud
People, I'm a little scared.
Granted, I've done this twice so I know what there is to be afraid of. A lot.
What's scary is there's very little between you and you. You stay in your head, heart and body the because the retreat is structured to close the escape hatches.
In other words, the only way out is in.
The first time I did the retreat, 7 days in the boredom became intense to the point of practically unbearable.
I finished the retreat in body if not spirit and only the good Lord knows how I managed to sit around -- not even meditating -- for those last 60 or so hours.
The second time on day 7 I also started in spirit to leave the building. But this time I asked for help. I can't even remember what the retreat leaders said to me, but somehow I stayed in the game and at least kept meditating.
The thing that stands out for me on that retreat was getting up early (that's right -- 3:30 a.m. or so) and getting some tea (decaf) and heading out to a deck overlooking some wintry trees, my feet crunching through a thick layer of frost. And then a bird flew low over my head, so close I could hear its wings flap and see the furry feathers of its really cute bird belly.
Friends, it was worth the price of admission -- which is, believe it or not, free.
The reason I'm scared this time is because for the past three years I have immersed myself in words and action. I have been busier than ever before, and much of it consists of social media, texting, emails, web pages, networking events and meetings with clients.
I've been talking, learning and implementing -- like CRAZY.
I'm just a wee bit concerned that when the car keys are handed over and the plug gets pulled that I'm going to implode. That all the bits and bytes floating around in my psyche are going to somehow band together and pull this little psychonaut down under something heavy.
Exactly what, I cannot say.
Safety tip: If you don't hear from me come January, please tweet to find out if I'm okay. And be prepared to help put the bits and bytes back together, okay?
A little less than a year ago I told myself this would be the Year of Hard Work. It has been hard work, yes -- but more exciting and rewarding in ways I had not imagined.
As I write I am in fact inspired to rename 2013 the Year of Accomplishment -- because accomplish I have.
As one of my clients recently said, "Hard work is addictive."
And that, friends, is why I'm scared -- in addition to excited -- about this retreat.
I've never been a strung-out digital strategist before.
What will my new brain look like on meditation?
Your Turn
What will my brain look like on meditation? I mean, what do you think your brain would look like on meditation?
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