Theme song: Linda
My mother is a beautiful woman (thank you, Laura, for finding the perfect song to celebrate her).
She, as of October 10, has graced this world for 65 years. Can you believe it?!
Here are a few more things you might enjoy knowing about my mother:
First of all, I still tend to call her mommy privately or sometimes mamacita, although her grandmother name is Dini and her formal name is the Great Lindini.
I believe I owe my sense of humor to my mom, but maybe we worked it out together. Mothers and daughters have a way of doing that, no?
However you look at it, my mom is smart, creative, hard-working, dynamic, and (this is definitely genetic) a bit on the kooky side.
My mother taught me important things like how to clean a bathroom (never forget the base of the toilet -- don't worry, mommy, I never do!), sending thank you notes (okay, I'm sadly remiss on this one, but at least I'm in good company?), and (this one I really treasure) the art of gracious entertaining.
Because of my mother, I've lived in pretty spaces and experienced the joys of generous, thoughtful hostessing. In other words, if you come for dinner at the Great Lindini's, you won't leave hungry and you'll be amazed at both the quantity, and the quality, of the food arranged on pretty plates, surrounded by flowers and bowels of lemons -- all lit by candle or warmed by a fire.
When I was very young, my mom started an organic food cooperative. She also hand-made my baby food, forever imprinting on me the importance of a diet healthy for people and planet. She is a woman who has always lived by elevated values.
My mom worked very hard to support me financially as I was growing up. As a co-parenting mama myself, it's easy for me to reflect on all the work and care my mom put into raising me and building herself, in the process, a career she can be proud of. This takes, I'm finding, courage -- and lots of energy!
My mom is a very creative woman. She has written several books and scripts, paints regularly, and puts care into home décor.
My mom, now retired, is a hard and thoughtful worker. She raised money to create a climate controlled storage facility for the Native American, early California fine art, and historical artifacts of the Gold Rush era while she worked for the state of California. She also managed a graveyard (complete with Halloween ghost walks!) and one of the oldest working Taoist temples anywhere in the world (built when the Chinese were building railroads here in a young U.S.).
My mom is a thoughtful and generous woman. She regularly sends lovingly wrapped presents to her grandchildren, niece and nephews, and friends. Not too long ago, she sent me a picture of some $900 Gucci shoes, letting me know they were on the way -- once she got her winning lottery ticket.
My mom is a devoted wife. Of all my mom's achievements, maybe I am most impressed by the loving, loyal relationship she has with my stepfather, Victor. A few years ago, my mom experienced a life-threatening health crisis, and Victor was with her, solidly, throughout her 21 day hospital stay and subsequent recovery. You can't buy that on Amazon, not even with drone delivery.
My mom and I have fun together. We talk about vacationing together, or starting a business. We appreciate our shared sense of humor and zest for life.
Without my mom, I would not be the happy, successful, just a bit kooky, able to live life out loud person I am today.
Thank you, mommy, for everything you do and everything you are.
Good work, mommy. You're going strong.
I love you!
My mom and her cool friends (1970?) -- yep, that's me in the cool plaid suit!
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