Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Heart's Desire

Theme song: Citizen of the Planet

What am I most proud of today?

That I had lunch with my friend. Despite every looming deadline and the constant fear that today is the day I won't quite make it, I had lunch with my friend. I looked into her pretty face, and we talked about life.

We spoke about our hearts' desires.

Here's some advice (maybe I've given it before, but it bears repeating):

Listen to your heart to find out what it desires.

I'll be honest. You may not get your heart's desire. Some people can't, many people won't. Without that first listening step, followed by full acceptance of what you hear, you don't stand a chance.

Every time I think of you, the people I love, getting what they want out of life (and by this I mean what they really wanted, not what they told themselves they should want, not what they sabotaged themselves into, not what they settled for, not the glamorous thing, nor the dutiful or meaningful thing), I feel wonder and gratitude.

Listening isn't easy for anyone.

Listening to your heart requires the strong sense that you matter -- and reason can't say why.

What I'm imagining is little yellow bird sculptures being set on a grey, weathered window sill by hands acting on the heart's desire.

Be the person who, against all odds, follows her (or his) heart.

Your Turn

You knew I would ask. What is your heart's desire?

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