Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Future is a Mashup: 15 Predictions for 2015

Theme song: Backwards/Forwards

Something about the future is a mashup of fear, exhilaration, certainty, and cluelessness.


We're all very afraid. We're afraid of death, loss, lack, pain, and abandonment, just for starters. That's normal. Just don't let it stop you for expressing your greatness.


In addition to fear, there's excitement. We have so many goals, plans, resolutions, and dreams. It's nice to be forward thinking; to consider the possibilities.


We're sure. We're sure our in-laws will be a pain in the a** (I can safely say that because I don't have any!). We're sure the rent will be raised. We know we don't have enough time to start cello lessons. And yet.


We're clueless. The future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera. Type of thing.

Given that I'm like everyone else (scared as H*** bro, madly excited, sure, and don't know s*** from Shinola), ready or not here are my predictions for 2015:

  1. I will get a new cat. You know how I feel about mice.
  2. The embargo against Cuba will finally be lifted. Thank goodness.
  3. The people wrongly incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay will be freed. Please.
  4. San Francisco rental prices will plummet. See #13, below.
  5. San Francisco real estate prices will plummet. See #13, below.
  6. Katie Perry's popularity will decline. I am almost always wrong about this kind of thing, but there's hope.
  7. My ping pong game will improve. It can't get much worse ;)
  8. I will leave the country, at least briefly. See #13, below (and it's been too long, friends, since I traveled).
  9. The Tea Party will be annoying. Is this prediction a straw man?
  10. The Red Socks will win the World Series. After all, they have Panda.
  11. The Pantone Color of the Year will be grey violet. I just fact checked this one and I am wrong, wrong, wrong.
  12. China's population will increase by 250 million people. I think that's a fair estimate. Don't you?
  13. California will drop off into the ocean. Is that too negative?
  14. I will publish an eBook. Any eBook (I set that goal for 2014 and unless something really crazy happens in the next 24 hours or so it will have to happen in 2015 because I surely don't want to have to say in 2015 that it will happen in 2016. That would be a little too much, eh?).
  15. It's going to be a great year! Especially for Las Vegas property owners.

Your Turn!

Don't tell me you're not scared, excited, sure, and clueless. Just tell me what you think is going to happen in 2015.

{Photo Credit: Lara Zankoul}

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