Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Upside of Materialism

Theme song: Diamonds

Today I went shopping. It's a strange world of haves and have nots we're living in, so celebrating what I buy feels like a bit of a risk but I wanted to because the pleasure of purchase is so top of my mind. And, really, it's not just purchase -- it's people and place as well.

I made four purchases. Want to know what they were? Of course you do!

On the list:

  • Laura Mvula: Sing to the Moon
  • Laura Mvula with Metropole Orkest. Conducted by Jules Buckley
  • Rouge Coco Ultra Hydrating Lip Colour #426 Roussy
  • Rouge Coco Ultra Hydrating Lip Colour #444 Gabrielle

Oh, and let's not forget that I got a sample of le numero 5 and a makeover while at Saks Fifth Avenue. This is heady stuff, friends.

The #426 lip colour was a risk. I had originally intended to purchase a "safe for business beige," but I ended up with a Catherine Deneuve style saturated pink. Now, we can place bets my boys will have something to say about this color . . . . I'll let you know if anything interesting happens.

The #444 lip colour just makes me tingle. It's one of those clear, bright reds that makes me feel like I should definitely leave lipstick stained cigarette butts in every café I can find on every street in Paris -- especially if it's raining. It's the kind of red that makes people look twice.

Which reminds me. Paris is a place and it is romantic and I have been there and you can go, too. Just watch out for the Frenchichis. They don't know how good they have it or how good their little pursed lips look when they speak that luscious little language of theirs. But we do! So head on over, slap on some Chanel lipstick, and start pursing your lips. See what happens.

Which brings me to the music. Laura Mvula. She probably has a lot of really good lipstick. Perhaps more importantly, she is a beautiful singer with an incredible presence. That lady rocks the style and the charisma.

Which brings me to what I'm doing now. I'm sitting on a slightly uncomfortable Le Corbusier couch -- I meant sofa -- that my older son slashed with a pair of scissors oh so long ago, listening to beautiful music and wearing I think pretty lipstick while tippy tap typing words yummy words into my second brain in a room I decorated in the city I love, getting ready to have dinner with some of the best people in the world.

Just outside, my animal friends the hummingbirds occasionally flit by, grabbing their nectar just as I'm grabbing mine.

I feel fabulously fortunate knowing that if I wanted to I could go to the fridge and have some sriracha on cheese sticks à la my kids or make myself a cup of PG Tips with a slice of fresh lemon à la russe.

I don't want a lot. In fact, in some ways I have more than I want. But I do want as few as possible of the just right things. I'll have two lipsticks and I won't buy more until I have scooped out the last bits from these tubes. I know: Some sisters prefer to have more colors -- one for every occasion. I get that! And it's just not me.

As for the music, I also like to have as little music as possible. I often primarily listen to one album for years at a time. Laurel Eby, my college roommate, will tell you that I ruined Creedence Clearwater Revival for her back in 1987-88 by listening to the same album for the whole scholastic year we dormed together (Yes, that is a verb. To dorm. It means, to live in a dorm room together with another human.).

Following my divorce, I found Duffy. And then I moved onto Sinead, and listened to her wonderful album, Faith and Courage, for several years straight. Now I'm giving Ms. Mvula a chance. Luckily, since I was young, those nice people at Apple invented the smartphone and so no one has to listen to my music via cassette on a cheap boombox enclosed in a 10 by 10 room.

Alrightie. Time to make dinner for the crew. Making dinner is more fun when you're wearing pretty lipstick, I assure you, so it's good thing I have some. And that, friends, is the upside of materialism.

Now I ask you. What was the last thing you bought that made you feel magical?

I can't wait to hear about this so please don't hold back!

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