Tuesday, May 12, 2015

SOS! Help Save Your Favorite CrazyBeautiful Blogger (It's Free!)

Theme song: Message in a Bottle

Dear CrazyBeautiful Readership,

It has been, for a variety of reasons, a difficult three weeks.

Just for starters, Laura's kitty, Asha, died.

Then, my Virtual Assistant quit, which had the paralyzing potential effect of upping my workload by a third.

Finally, last week, I got the most painful writer's block of my entire life. I got through it, five minutes at a time and with the truly miraculous help of strong coffee (thank you, Valerie Edmon, for saving me from myself), but it wasn't pretty.

I missed a week of posting this blog for the very first time since I began publishing it in 2012.

For that and other reasons, this writer needs her regular readership's help. That would be you!

Although Writer's Block is, as we speak, whispering to me not to reach out to you, and not to ask for help, I am going to ignore it.

My Writer's Block's partner, Inner Critic, is telling me that this blog post is stupid and that asking for help is useless and that, worse, it will be embarrassing when no one responds and my Facebook post sits lonely and unliked, a digital misfit in a sea of puppy videos with 302 likes and 149 comments. So be it!

The Request

This blog was never meant to be written alone. It was always written to open a dialogue about heartbreak and other concerns not everyone is willing to write about.

Please let me know what interests you. Is it death? Is it work? Is it old age? Is it recalcitrant children or dead puppies? Did you lose something precious? Did you find something new? Do you have a story to tell?

All I need are ideas relevant to you, your life, and what matters most to you.

All Writer's Blocks and Inner Critic's aside, thank you, in advance for your help.



P.S. Allow me to leave you with this #SillyJoke via @Jonjo:

Question. Did the polar bear go on safari?

Answer. Not so far as I know.

{photo credit: Drew Coffman}

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